"HIDDEN MORALITY" is still in progress... and the start of a new series about New York for me... and what can be seen in this teeming, creative, money oriented , fast paced city, "and what is not ". Perhap it is the quietness of the buildings... the eyes and walk of the sick and aging. A church wedding. The homeless in pain. A couple in love. A breath of space in the midst of cars and bricks... the smile of a child, as their mother talks silly to them to get their attention. Maddness in the the streets. The words of a raving lunatic, saying the truth if you really listen.
It is amazing, what we pass by, because we are too busy texting and cell phoning, or in circling thoughts that have no immediate answers... That we don't stop to wondered what is hidden from our view. Maybe Our Being!
I personally thing it will be an interesting series. For me it is the search. In one photo I see one thing, then in another; and another... I find that they go together. In this painting, on the right side, in the white space, I see three ill people waiting outside to go to church to pray for their welfare,
size: 22 x 30 inches
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